debian._deb822_repro package


Module contents

Round-trip safe dictionary-like interfaces to RFC822-like files

This module is a round-trip safe API for working with RFC822-like Debian data formats. It is primarily aimed files managed by humans, like debian/control. While it is be able to process any Deb822 file, you might find the debian.deb822 module better suited for larger files such as the Packages and Sources from the Debian archive due to reasons explained below.

Being round-trip safe means that this module will faithfully preserve the original formatting including whitespace and comments from the input where not modified. A concrete example:

>>> from debian._deb822_repro import parse_deb822_file
>>> example_deb822_paragraph = '''
... Package: foo
... # Field comment (because it becomes just before a field)
... Section: main/devel
... Depends: libfoo,
... # Inline comment (associated with the next line)
...          libbar,
... '''
>>> deb822_file = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines())
>>> paragraph = next(iter(deb822_file))
>>> paragraph['Section'] = 'devel'
>>> output = deb822_file.dump()
>>> output == example_deb822_paragraph.replace('Section: main/devel', 'Section: devel')

This makes it particularly good for automated changes/corrections to files (partly) maintained by humans.

Compared to debian.deb822

The round-trip safe API is primarily useful when your program is editing files and the file in question is (likely) to be hand-edited or formatted directly by human maintainers. This includes files like debian/control and the debian/copyright using the “DEP-5” format.

The round-trip safe API also supports parsing and working with invalid files. This enables programs to work on the file in cases where the file was a left with an error in an attempt to correct it (or ignore it).

On the flip side, the debian.deb822 module generally uses less memory than the round trip safe API. In some cases, it will also have faster data structures because its internal data structures are simpler. Accordingly, when you are doing read-only work or/and working with large files a la the Packages or Sources files from the Debian archive, then the round-trip safe API either provides no advantages or its trade-offs might show up in performance statistics.

The memory and runtime performance difference should generally be constant for valid files but not necessarily a small one. For invalid files, some operations can degrade in runtime performance in particular cases (memory performance for invalid files are comparable to that of valid files).

Converting from debian.deb822

The following is a short example for how to migrate from debian.deb822 to the round-trip safe API. Given the following source text:

>>> dctrl_input = b'''
... Source: foo
... Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)
... Package: bar
... Architecture: any
... Depends: ${misc:Depends},
...          ${shlibs:Depends},
... Description: provides some exciting feature
...  yada yada yada
...  .
...  more deskription with a misspelling
... '''.lstrip()  # To remove the leading newline
>>> # A few definitions to emulate file I/O (would be different in the program)
>>> import contextlib, os
>>> @contextlib.contextmanager
... def open_input():
...     # Works with and without keepends=True.
...     # Keep the ends here to truly emulate an open file.
...     yield dctrl_input.splitlines(keepends=True)
>>> def open_output():
...    return open(os.devnull, 'wb')

With debian.deb822, your code might look like this:

>>> from debian.deb822 import Deb822
>>> with open_input() as in_fd, open_output() as out_fd:
...     for paragraph in Deb822.iter_paragraphs(in_fd):
...         if 'Description' not in paragraph:
...             continue
...         description = paragraph['Description']
...         # Fix typo
...         paragraph['Description'] = description.replace('deskription', 'description')
...         paragraph.dump(out_fd)

With the round-trip safe API, the rewrite would look like this:

>>> from debian._deb822_repro import parse_deb822_file
>>> with open_input() as in_fd, open_output() as out_fd:
...     parsed_file = parse_deb822_file(in_fd)
...     for paragraph in parsed_file:
...         if 'Description' not in paragraph:
...             continue
...         description = paragraph['Description']
...         # Fix typo
...         paragraph['Description'] = description.replace('deskription', 'description')
...     parsed_file.dump(out_fd)

Key changes are:

  1. Imports are different.

  2. Deb822.iter_paragraphs is replaced by parse_deb822_file and a reference to its return value is kept for later.

  3. Instead of dumping paragraphs one by one, the return value from parse_deb822_file is dumped at the end.

    • The round-trip safe api does support “per-paragraph” but formatting and comments between paragraphs would be lost in the output. This may be an acceptable tradeoff or desired for some cases.

Note that the round trip safe API does not accept all the same parameters as the debian.deb822 module does. Often this is because the feature is not relevant for the round-trip safe API (e.g., python-apt cannot be used as it discard comments) or is obsolete in the debian.deb822 module and therefore omitted.

For list based fields, you may want to have a look at the Deb822ParagraphElement.as_interpreted_dict_view method.

Stability of this API

The API is subject to change based on feedback from early adopters and beta testers. That said, the code for valid files is unlikely to change in a backwards incompatible way.

Things that might change in an incompatible way include:
  • Whether invalid files are accepted (parsed without errors) by default. (currently they are)

  • How invalid files are parsed. As an example, currently a syntax error acts as a paragraph separator. Whether it should is open to debate.

exception debian._deb822_repro.AmbiguousDeb822FieldKeyError

Bases: KeyError

Specialized version of KeyError to denote a valid but ambiguous field name

This exception occurs if:
  • the field is accessed via a str on a configured view that does not automatically resolve ambiguous field names (see Deb822ParagraphElement.configured_view), AND

  • a concrete paragraph contents a repeated field (which is not valid in deb822 but the module supports parsing them)

Note that the default is to automatically resolve ambiguous fields. Accordingly you will only see this exception if you have “opted in” on wanting to know that the lookup was ambiguous.

The ambiguity can be resolved by using a tuple of (<field-name>, <filed-index>) instead of <field-name>.

class debian._deb822_repro.Deb822FileElement(token_and_elements: LinkedList[Deb822Element | Deb822Token])

Bases: Deb822Element

Represents the entire deb822 file

_full_size_cache: Range | None
_parent_element: ReferenceType[Deb822Element] | None
_set_parent(t: TE) TE
append(paragraph: Deb822ParagraphElement) None

Appends a paragraph to the file

>>> deb822_file = Deb822FileElement.new_empty_file()
>>> para1 = Deb822ParagraphElement.new_empty_paragraph()
>>> para1["Source"] = "foo"
>>> para1["Build-Depends"] = "debhelper-compat (= 13)"
>>> para2 = Deb822ParagraphElement.new_empty_paragraph()
>>> para2["Package"] = "foo"
>>> para2["Depends"] = "${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}"
>>> deb822_file.append(para1)
>>> deb822_file.append(para2)
>>> expected = '''
... Source: foo
... Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)
... Package: foo
... Depends: ${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
... '''.lstrip()
>>> deb822_file.dump() == expected
dump() str
find_first_error_element() Deb822ErrorElement | None

Returns the first Deb822ErrorElement (or None) in the file

insert(idx: int, para: Deb822ParagraphElement) None

Inserts a paragraph into the file at the given “index” of paragraphs

Note that if the index is between two paragraphs containing a “free floating” comment (e.g. paragraph/start-of-file, empty line, comment, empty line, paragraph) then it is unspecified which “side” of the comment the new paragraph will appear and this may change between versions of python-debian.

>>> original = '''
... Package: libfoo-dev
... Depends: libfoo1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
... '''.lstrip()
>>> deb822_file = parse_deb822_file(original.splitlines())
>>> para1 = Deb822ParagraphElement.new_empty_paragraph()
>>> para1["Source"] = "foo"
>>> para1["Build-Depends"] = "debhelper-compat (= 13)"
>>> para2 = Deb822ParagraphElement.new_empty_paragraph()
>>> para2["Package"] = "libfoo1"
>>> para2["Depends"] = "${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}"
>>> deb822_file.insert(0, para1)
>>> deb822_file.insert(1, para2)
>>> expected = '''
... Source: foo
... Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)
... Package: libfoo1
... Depends: ${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
... Package: libfoo-dev
... Depends: libfoo1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
... '''.lstrip()
>>> deb822_file.dump() == expected
property is_valid_file: bool

Returns true if the file is valid

Invalid elements include error elements (Deb822ErrorElement) but also issues such as paragraphs with duplicate fields or “empty” files (a valid deb822 file contains at least one paragraph).

iter_parts() Iterable[Deb822Element | Deb822Token]
classmethod new_empty_file() Deb822FileElement

Creates a new Deb822FileElement with no contents

Note that a deb822 file must be non-empty to be considered valid

position_in_file() Position

The start position of this token/element in this file

This is an expensive operation and in many cases have to traverse the entire file structure to answer the query. Consider whether you can maintain the parent’s position and then use position_in_parent() combined with child_position.relative_to(parent_position)

position_in_parent() Position

The start position of this token/element inside its parent

This is operation is generally linear to the number of “parts” (elements/tokens) inside the parent.

remove(paragraph: Deb822ParagraphElement) None
class debian._deb822_repro.Deb822NoDuplicateFieldsParagraphElement(kvpair_elements: List[Deb822KeyValuePairElement], kvpair_order: OrderedSet)

Bases: Deb822ParagraphElement

Paragraph implementation optimized for valid deb822 files

When there are no duplicated fields, we can use simpler and faster datastructures for common operations.

_full_size_cache: Range | None
_parent_element: ReferenceType[Deb822Element] | None
contains_kvpair_element(item: object) bool
get_kvpair_element(item: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], use_get: bool = False) Deb822KeyValuePairElement | None
iter_keys() Iterable[str]
iter_parts() Iterable[Deb822Element | Deb822Token]
property kvpair_count: int
order_after(field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], reference_field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None

Re-order the given field so appears directly before the reference field in the paragraph

The reference field must be present.

order_before(field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], reference_field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None

Re-order the given field so appears directly after the reference field in the paragraph

The reference field must be present.

order_first(field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None

Re-order the given field so it is “first” in the paragraph

order_last(field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None

Re-order the given field so it is “last” in the paragraph

remove_kvpair_element(key: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None
set_kvpair_element(key: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], value: Deb822KeyValuePairElement) None
sort_fields(key: Callable[[str], Any] | None = None) None

Re-order all fields


key – Provide a key function (same semantics as for sorted). Keep in mind that the module preserve the cases for field names - in generally, callers are recommended to use “lower()” to normalize the case.

class debian._deb822_repro.Deb822ParagraphElement

Bases: Deb822Element, Deb822ParagraphToStrWrapperMixin, ABC

_full_size_cache: Range | None
property _paragraph: Deb822ParagraphElement
_parent_element: ReferenceType[Deb822Element] | None
as_interpreted_dict_view(interpretation: Interpretation[T], *, auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields: bool = True) Deb822InterpretingParagraphWrapper[T]

Provide a Dict-like view of the paragraph

This method returns a dict-like object representing this paragraph and is useful for accessing fields in a given interpretation. It is possible to use multiple versions of this dict-like view with different interpretations on the same paragraph at the same time (for different fields).

>>> example_deb822_paragraph = '''
... Package: foo
... # Field comment (because it becomes just before a field)
... Architecture: amd64
... # Inline comment (associated with the next line)
...               i386
... # We also support arm
...               arm64
...               armel
... '''
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines())
>>> paragraph = next(iter(dfile))
>>> list_view = paragraph.as_interpreted_dict_view(LIST_SPACE_SEPARATED_INTERPRETATION)
>>> # With the defaults, you only deal with the semantic values
>>> # - no leading or trailing whitespace on the first part of the value
>>> list(list_view["Package"])
>>> with list_view["Architecture"] as arch_list:
...     orig_arch_list = list(arch_list)
...     arch_list.replace('i386', 'kfreebsd-amd64')
>>> orig_arch_list
['amd64', 'i386', 'arm64', 'armel']
>>> list(list_view["Architecture"])
['amd64', 'kfreebsd-amd64', 'arm64', 'armel']
>>> print(paragraph.dump(), end='')
Package: foo
# Field comment (because it becomes just before a field)
Architecture: amd64
# Inline comment (associated with the next line)
# We also support arm
>>> # Format preserved and architecture replaced
>>> with list_view["Architecture"] as arch_list:
...     # Prettify the result as sorting will cause awkward whitespace
...     arch_list.reformat_when_finished()
...     arch_list.sort()
>>> print(paragraph.dump(), end='')
Package: foo
# Field comment (because it becomes just before a field)
Architecture: amd64
# We also support arm
# Inline comment (associated with the next line)
>>> list(list_view["Architecture"])
['amd64', 'arm64', 'armel', 'kfreebsd-amd64']
>>> # Format preserved and architecture values sorted
  • interpretation – Decides how the field values are interpreted. As an example, use LIST_SPACE_SEPARATED_INTERPRETATION for fields such as Architecture in the debian/control file.

  • auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields – This parameter is only relevant for paragraphs that contain the same field multiple times (these are generally invalid). If the caller requests an ambiguous field from an invalid paragraph via a plain field name, the return dict-like object will refuse to resolve the field (not knowing which version to pick). This parameter (if set to True) instead changes the error into assuming the caller wants the first variant.

configured_view(*, discard_comments_on_read: bool = True, auto_map_initial_line_whitespace: bool = True, auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields: bool = True, preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates: bool = True, auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values: bool = True) Deb822DictishParagraphWrapper

Provide a Dict[str, str]-like view of this paragraph with non-standard parameters

This method returns a dict-like object representing this paragraph that is optionally configured differently from the default view.

>>> example_deb822_paragraph = '''
... Package: foo
... # Field comment (because it becomes just before a field)
... Depends: libfoo,
... # Inline comment (associated with the next line)
...          libbar,
... '''
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines())
>>> paragraph = next(iter(dfile))
>>> # With the defaults, you only deal with the semantic values
>>> # - no leading or trailing whitespace on the first part of the value
>>> paragraph["Package"]
>>> # - no inline comments in multiline values (but whitespace will be present
>>> #   subsequent lines.)
>>> print(paragraph["Depends"])
>>> paragraph['Foo'] = 'bar'
>>> paragraph.get('Foo')
>>> paragraph.get('Unknown-Field') is None
>>> # But you get asymmetric behaviour with set vs. get
>>> paragraph['Foo'] = ' bar\n'
>>> paragraph['Foo']
>>> paragraph['Bar'] = '     bar\n#Comment\n another value\n'
>>> # Note that the whitespace on the first line has been normalized.
>>> print("Bar: " + paragraph['Bar'])
Bar: bar
 another value
>>> # The comment is present (in case you where wondering)
>>> print(paragraph.get_kvpair_element('Bar').convert_to_text(), end='')
Bar:     bar
 another value
>>> # On the other hand, you can choose to see the values as they are
>>> # - We will just reset the paragraph as a "nothing up my sleeve"
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines())
>>> paragraph = next(iter(dfile))
>>> nonstd_dictview = paragraph.configured_view(
...     discard_comments_on_read=False,
...     auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=False,
...     # For paragraphs with duplicate fields, you can choose to get an error
...     # rather than the dict picking the first value available.
...     auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields=False,
...     auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values=False,
... )
>>> # Because we have reset the state, Foo and Bar are no longer there.
>>> 'Bar' not in paragraph and 'Foo' not in paragraph
>>> # We can now see the comments (discard_comments_on_read=False)
>>> # (The leading whitespace in front of "libfoo" is due to
>>> #  auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=False)
>>> print(nonstd_dictview["Depends"], end='')
# Inline comment (associated with the next line)
>>> # And all the optional whitespace on the first value line
>>> # (auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=False)
>>> nonstd_dictview["Package"] == ' foo\n'
>>> # ... which will give you symmetric behaviour with set vs. get
>>> nonstd_dictview['Foo'] = '  bar \n'
>>> nonstd_dictview['Foo']
'  bar \n'
>>> nonstd_dictview['Bar'] = '  bar \n#Comment\n another value\n'
>>> nonstd_dictview['Bar']
'  bar \n#Comment\n another value\n'
>>> # But then you get no help either.
>>> try:
...     nonstd_dictview["Baz"] = "foo"
... except ValueError:
...     print("Rejected")
>>> # With auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=False, you have to include minimum a newline
>>> nonstd_dictview["Baz"] = "foo\n"
>>> # The absence of leading whitespace gives you the terse variant at the expensive
>>> # readability
>>> paragraph.get_kvpair_element('Baz').convert_to_text()
>>> # But because they are views, changes performed via one view is visible in the other
>>> paragraph['Foo']
>>> # The views show the values according to their own rules. Therefore, there is an
>>> # asymmetric between paragraph['Foo'] and nonstd_dictview['Foo']
>>> # Nevertheless, you can read or write the fields via either - enabling you to use
>>> # the view that best suit your use-case for the given field.
>>> 'Baz' in paragraph and nonstd_dictview.get('Baz') is not None
>>> # Deletion via the view also works
>>> del nonstd_dictview['Baz']
>>> 'Baz' not in paragraph and nonstd_dictview.get('Baz') is None
  • discard_comments_on_read – When getting a field value from the dict, this parameter decides how in-line comments are handled. When setting the value, inline comments are still allowed and will be retained. However, keep in mind that this option makes getter and setter asymmetric as a “get” following a “set” with inline comments will omit the comments even if they are there (see the code example).

  • auto_map_initial_line_whitespace – Special-case the first value line by trimming unnecessary whitespace leaving only the value. For single-line values, all space including newline is pruned. For multi-line values, the newline is preserved / needed to distinguish the first line from the following lines. When setting a value, this option normalizes the whitespace of the initial line of the value field. When this option is set to True makes the dictionary behave more like the original Deb822 module.

  • preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates – Whether to preserve the field comments when mutating the field.

  • auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields – This parameter is only relevant for paragraphs that contain the same field multiple times (these are generally invalid). If the caller requests an ambiguous field from an invalid paragraph via a plain field name, the return dict-like object will refuse to resolve the field (not knowing which version to pick). This parameter (if set to True) instead changes the error into assuming the caller wants the first variant.

  • auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values – This parameter controls whether a multiline field with have / need a trailing newline. If True, the trailing newline is hidden on get and automatically added in set (if missing). When this option is set to True makes the dictionary behave more like the original Deb822 module.

contains_kvpair_element(item: object) bool
dump() str
classmethod from_dict(mapping: Mapping[str, str]) Deb822ParagraphElement
classmethod from_kvpairs(kvpair_elements: List[Deb822KeyValuePairElement]) Deb822ParagraphElement
get_kvpair_element(item: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], use_get: bool = False) Deb822KeyValuePairElement | None
property has_duplicate_fields: bool

Tell whether this paragraph has duplicate fields

iter_keys() Iterable[Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]]
property kvpair_count: int
classmethod new_empty_paragraph() Deb822ParagraphElement
order_after(field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], reference_field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None

Re-order the given field so appears directly before the reference field in the paragraph

The reference field must be present.

order_before(field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], reference_field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None

Re-order the given field so appears directly after the reference field in the paragraph

The reference field must be present.

order_first(field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None

Re-order the given field so it is “first” in the paragraph

order_last(field: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None

Re-order the given field so it is “last” in the paragraph

remove_kvpair_element(key: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int]) None
set_field_from_raw_string(item: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], raw_string_value: str, *, preserve_original_field_comment: bool | None = None, field_comment: List[str] | Deb822CommentElement | None = None) None

Sets a field in this paragraph to a given text value

In many cases, it is better for callers to just use the paragraph as if it was a dictionary. However, this method does enable to you choose the field comment (if any) and lets to have a higher degree of control over whitespace (on the first line), which can be a reason for using it.

Example usage:

>>> example_deb822_paragraph = '''
... Package: foo
... '''
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines())
>>> p = next(iter(dfile))
>>> raw_value = '''
... Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
...                some-other-bd,
... # Comment
...                another-bd,
... '''.lstrip()  # Remove leading newline, but *not* the trailing newline
>>> fname, new_value = raw_value.split(':', 1)
>>> p.set_field_from_raw_string(fname, new_value)
>>> print(p.dump(), end='')
Package: foo
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
# Comment
>>> # Format preserved
  • item – Name of the field to set. If the paragraph already contains the field, then it will be replaced. Otherwise, it is added to the end of the paragraph. Note this can be a “paragraph key”, which enables you to control which instance of a field is being replaced (in case of duplicate fields).

  • raw_string_value

    The text to use as the value. The text must be valid deb822 syntax and is used exactly as it is given. Accordingly, multi-line values must include mandatory leading space on continuation lines, newlines after the value, etc. On the flip-side, any optional space or comments will be included.

    Note that the first line will never be read as a comment (if the first line of the value starts with a “#” then it will result in “Field-Name:#…” which is parsed as a value starting with “#” rather than a comment).

  • preserve_original_field_comment – If True, then if there is an existing field and that has a comment, then the comment will remain after this operation. This is the default is the field_comment parameter is omitted. Note that if the parameter is True and the item is ambiguous, this will raise an AmbiguousDeb822FieldKeyError. When the parameter is omitted, the ambiguity is resolved automatically and if the resolved field has a comment then that will be preserved (assuming field_comment is None).

  • field_comment

    If not None, add or replace the comment for the field. Each string in the list will become one comment line (inserted directly before the field name). Will appear in the same order as they do in the list.

    If you want complete control over the formatting of the comments, then ensure that each line start with “#” and end with “n” before the call. Otherwise, leading/trailing whitespace is normalized and the missing “#”/”n” character is inserted.

set_field_to_simple_value(item: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], simple_value: str, *, preserve_original_field_comment: bool | None = None, field_comment: List[str] | Deb822CommentElement | None = None) None

Sets a field in this paragraph to a simple “word” or “phrase”

In many cases, it is better for callers to just use the paragraph as if it was a dictionary. However, this method does enable to you choose the field comment (if any), which can be a reason for using it.

This is suitable for “simple” fields like “Package”. Example:

>>> example_deb822_paragraph = '''
... Package: foo
... '''
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines())
>>> p = next(iter(dfile))
>>> p.set_field_to_simple_value("Package", "mscgen")
>>> p.set_field_to_simple_value("Architecture", "linux-any kfreebsd-any",
...                             field_comment=['Only ported to linux and kfreebsd'])
>>> p.set_field_to_simple_value("Priority", "optional")
>>> print(p.dump(), end='')
Package: mscgen
# Only ported to linux and kfreebsd
Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any
Priority: optional
>>> # Values are formatted nicely by default, but it does not work with
>>> # multi-line values
>>> p.set_field_to_simple_value("Foo", "bar\nbin\n")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Cannot use set_field_to_simple_value for values with newlines
  • item – Name of the field to set. If the paragraph already contains the field, then it will be replaced. If the field exists, then it will preserve its order in the paragraph. Otherwise, it is added to the end of the paragraph. Note this can be a “paragraph key”, which enables you to control which instance of a field is being replaced (in case of duplicate fields).

  • simple_value – The text to use as the value. The value must not contain newlines. Leading and trailing will be stripped but space within the value is preserved. The value cannot contain comments (i.e. if the “#” token appears in the value, then it is considered a value rather than “start of a comment)

  • preserve_original_field_comment – See the description for the parameter with the same name in the set_field_from_raw_string method.

  • field_comment – See the description for the parameter with the same name in the set_field_from_raw_string method.

set_kvpair_element(key: Deb822FieldNameToken | str | Tuple[str, int], value: Deb822KeyValuePairElement) None
sort_fields(key: Callable[[str], Any] | None = None) None

Re-order all fields


key – Provide a key function (same semantics as for sorted). Keep in mind that the module preserve the cases for field names - in generally, callers are recommended to use “lower()” to normalize the case.

class debian._deb822_repro.Interpretation

Bases: Generic[T]

interpret(kvpair_element: Deb822KeyValuePairElement, discard_comments_on_read: bool = True) T
exception debian._deb822_repro.SyntaxOrParseError

Bases: ValueError

Specialized version of ValueError for syntax/parse errors.

debian._deb822_repro.parse_deb822_file(sequence: Iterable[str | bytes] | str, *, accept_files_with_error_tokens: bool = False, accept_files_with_duplicated_fields: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8') Deb822FileElement
  • sequence – An iterable over lines of str or bytes (an open file for reading will do). If line endings are provided in the input, then they must be present on every line (except the last) will be preserved as-is. If omitted and the content is at least 2 lines, then parser will assume implicit newlines.

  • accept_files_with_error_tokens – If True, files with critical syntax or parse errors will be returned as “successfully” parsed. Usually, working on files with this kind of errors are not desirable as it is hard to make sense of such files (and they might in fact not be a deb822 file at all). When set to False (the default) a ValueError is raised if there is a critical syntax or parse error. Note that duplicated fields in a paragraph is not considered a critical parse error by this parser as the implementation can gracefully cope with these. Use accept_files_with_duplicated_fields to determine if such files should be accepted.

  • accept_files_with_duplicated_fields – If True, then files containing paragraphs with duplicated fields will be returned as “successfully” parsed even though they are invalid according to the specification. The paragraphs will prefer the first appearance of the field unless caller explicitly requests otherwise (e.g., via Deb822ParagraphElement.configured_view). If False, then this method will raise a ValueError if any duplicated fields are seen inside any paragraph.

  • encoding – The encoding to use (this is here to support Deb822-like APIs, new code should not use this parameter).